Monday, October 8, 2012

A Resurrection

It seems like forever since I posted here but it has only been about 5 months.  My last post was about the damage done to Nixon during my accident.  My next post (not this one) will be about her resurrection.

After my accident, the support from my family and friends and especially my "online motorcycle gang" at was overwhelming.  As we discussed what happened and how to fix the bike, a plan was hatched.  I would take her down to Alabama during this year's Barber Vintage Motorcycle Festival and my DTT friends would help me put her back together.  We all know how vintage bike people love to work on something when they are sitting around chatting.  It is like a smoker that needs something to do with their hands.  Besides the offers for free labor, I also got a lot of offers for parts that I needed that they had laying around.

Inspired by Dime City Cycles' recent motorcycle build at a bike show, I got the bright idea to actually do the final assembly at the festival in the DTT area.  This may not have been the best idea, but we are going with it.

We will be doing the frame mods and any other fabrication work needed at night at the Kanticoy Designs shop.  After the frame, wheels and some other bits get powder-coated  we will do a wheel assembly and truing demonstration and the final assembly of the bike at the racetrack.

In preparation for her resurrection, I have been getting all of the parts that were not destroyed cleaned up, repainted and polished.

I also had to figure out what I wanted the bike to look like.  I could not afford to have another custom tank and seat built.  I would have to be able to use parts I could get cheap or donated.  I decided to take the bike back to more of a stock riding position since I don't plan on riding it really fast through the twisties and more (Lesson Learned!).  So this is what I came up with.  It has some elements from several bikes that I really like combined with the parts I had available so Nixon could keep her identity.  Luckily, when she was dragged out of the ravine  the scrambler exhaust made it out unscathed.

As if having a running bike again wasn't enough, my dad is going to go with me to hang out at the festival and help me with the build.

Check it out!  Nixon even made it onto the Ace Corner website!  She is the "Live Bike Build" about halfway down the page.  I guess now we better come through.

I should be back after the festival with some good stories and pictures.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Isnt it high time to get this blog rolling again?