Anyway, it really warmed up around lunch time. I think it was around 60 or 65F. I didn't even have to wear my neck cover. I rode over to Circuit City, taking the interstate on the way there. I passed a couple cars doing about 80. Nixon seems to like going that fast. I think she will hit the ton. CC is going out of business, but their discounts were only 25% so I didn't bother going in. I rode back up to Bi-Lo and bought a sub for lunch/dinner. The guy behind the counter looked at me kind of funny when I shoved it in my backpack. I then took the long way back to work, going up Parkin's Mill, out past Hitachi to Mauldin Rd, then back down to Fairforest. The waste water treatment plant was pretty stinky. Then went back to the office to toil away the rest of the day before dropping Nixon off at my parents and driving back to ATL. I have slowly been taking the corners more aggressively. Partly because I'm still feeling out the new rear tire, but also because it has been awhile since I have really ridden. I'm getting much more comfortable now.

Sir- I stumbled across your blog while wasting time, and I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying it. My first bike was a 72 Honda CB450, and I went through so many of the same things that you are going through. It's almost like reading about my own crusty old Honda. I also wanted to thank you for sharing. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I am about to.
Thanks Christopher! Every time I go out on her, it is an adventure. Hopefully I can get her to back to my house soon so I can have something new to post.
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