Not a whole lot to post about except I've finished the engine! All it needs is some oil and to be put back into a bike and she is ready to push me down the highway at speeds grandmothers are afraid to drive. It got a very thorough cleaning and scuffing with sandpaper and another good cleaning with some lacquer thinner. I used high heat primer and satin black to paint it. It came out really nice. I then replaced all of the bolts with new polished stainless bolts and put everything back together. My dad helped my get the pistons back on. Then I put the head on and fed the cam chain through the guides. I got the camshafts aligned and riveted the cam chain back together. I Set the valve clearances and put all of the other stuff back on. Now, if only I could find a tank.....
Priming the Bottom End of the Engine

Painting the bottom

Painting the top

The pistons and cylinders are on

Feeding the cam chain through

All buttoned up and looking pretty